Silicon is the principal component of most semiconductor devices, most importantly integrated circuits or microchips. Silicon is widely used in semiconductors because it remains a semiconductor at higher temperatures than the semiconductor germanium.
Yutai Optics standard silicon windows feature a clear aperture of at least 90 percent of the central dimension. They have a surface quality of 20-10 scratch dig; which means there are no digs (pits) with a diameter of more than 0.1mm, and no scratches longer or deeper than that designated by 20 in MIL-PRF-13830B. The lower a scratch dig number; the better the quality of an optic; industry standard is generally 80-50, with 20-10, like ours, being high precision quality.
Material |
Silicon |
Dimension |
5mm-400mm |
Surface Figure |
λ/4 |
Diameter Tolerance |
+0.1, -0.1 mm |
Thickness Tolerance |
±0.2 mm |
Parallelism |
30" |
Clear Aperture |
>90% |
Surface Quality |
60-40 scratch and dig |
Protective Bevel |
0.25 mm x 45° |
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Our Advantage
Sales Team
Yutai Optics has a professinal sales team with excellent service, we tracking from inquiry to delivery of items.We try our best to meet each customers'request.
Production Team
Yutai Optics has many experienced engineers and advanced machines, they are the important guarantee for the higher quality products.Our advanced production machines list:
Ring polishing machine, Single axis machine, Two axis machine, Four axis machine,Centering edging machine,Mechanical milling machine,Spectrograph, Grinding machine,nanotech.250upl,talysurfi120.
Inspection Team
Advanced testing equipment and methods are important guarantee for the production of high-precision products.Our testing machine is ZYGO, Stereo interferometer,Horizontal interferometer.We provide testing report for each batch for your items.
Process for most optics
Packaging & Shipping
1 Package Detail: A. Standard carbon and envelop with plastic foam.
B. Safety green carton.
C. Customized.
2 Delivery Detail: Within 30 days.(Also depand on the quantity)